[data] instruments = LISA_A LISA_E LISA_T trigger-time = 4800021.15572853 analysis-start-time = -4800021 analysis-end-time = 26735979 pad-data = 0 sample-rate = 0.2 fake-strain = LISA_A:analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_AE LISA_E:analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_AE LISA_T:analytical_psd_lisa_tdi_T ; fake-strain-extra-args = LISA_A:len_arm:2.5e9 LISA_A:acc_noise_level:2.4e-15 LISA_A:oms_noise_level:7.9e-12 LISA_A:tdi:1.5 LISA_E:len_arm:2.5e9 LISA_E:acc_noise_level:2.4e-15 LISA_E:oms_noise_level:7.9e-12 LISA_E:tdi:1.5 LISA_T:len_arm:2.5e9 LISA_T:acc_noise_level:2.4e-15 LISA_T:oms_noise_level:7.9e-12 LISA_T:tdi:1.5 fake-strain-extra-args = len_arm:2.5e9 acc_noise_level:2.4e-15 oms_noise_level:7.9e-12 tdi:1.5 fake-strain-seed = LISA_A:100 LISA_E:150 LISA_T:200 fake-strain-flow = 0.0001 fake-strain-sample-rate = 0.2 fake-strain-filter-duration = 31536000 psd-estimation = median-mean psd-inverse-length = 267840 invpsd-trunc-method = hann psd-segment-length = 267840 psd-segment-stride = 133920 psd-start-time = -4800021 psd-end-time = 26735979 channel-name = LISA_A:LISA_A LISA_E:LISA_E LISA_T:LISA_T injection-file = injection_smbhb.hdf [model] name = relative low-frequency-cutoff = 0.0001 high-frequency-cutoff = 0.1 epsilon = 0.01 mass1_ref = 1015522.4376 mass2_ref = 796849.1091 tc_ref = 4799624.274911478 spin1z_ref = 0.597755394865021 spin2z_ref = 0.36905807298613247 [variable_params] mchirp = q = tc = [static_params] ; Change it to "ref_frame = SSB", if you use SSB frame in injection file. ref_frame = LISA approximant = BBHX_PhenomD ; You can use "1.5" or "2.0" for TDI. ; Please use the same TDI version for PSD and injection file. tdi = 1.5 coa_phase = 4.275929308696054 eclipticlongitude = 5.4431083771985165 eclipticlatitude = -1.2734504596198182 polarization = 0.22558110042980073 spin1z = 0.597755394865021 spin2z = 0.36905807298613247 distance = 17758.367941273442 inclination = 1.5970175301911231 t_obs_start = 31536000 f_lower = 1e-4 ; Put LISA behind the Earth by ~20 degrees. t_offset = 7365189.431698299 [prior-mchirp] name = uniform min-mchirp = 703772.7245316936 max-mchirp = 860166.6633165143 [prior-q] name = uniform min-q = 1.1469802543574181 max-q = 1.401864755325733 [prior-tc] name = uniform min-tc = 4798221.15572853 max-tc = 4801821.15572853 [waveform_transforms-mass1+mass2] name = mchirp_q_to_mass1_mass2 [sampler] name = dynesty dlogz = 0.1 nlive = 150 ; NOTE: While this example doesn't sample in polarization, if doing this we ; recommend the following transformation, and then sampling in this coordinate ; ; [waveform_transforms-polarization] ; name = custom ; inputs = better_pol, eclipticlongitude ; polarization = better_pol + eclipticlongitude